Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sugar Jumbles

This is from the recipe drawer of Maxine.  I came across this recipe and have to admit that I am confused.  The ingredients make it look like a cookie recipe, but the amounts are quite small and so I am not sure that it will make cookies.

1/2 c. shortening
1/2 c. sugar

Add:  1 egg
Add:  1 teaspoon vanilla (from reading Maxine's recipes, I have deciphered that what looks like a capital T, is really her abbreviation for teaspoon)
Add:  1 1/8 c. sifted flour
1/4 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Drop by spoonful
Bake 375 degrees, 10 minutes

If you notice on the right side of the recipe it says "over".  There is a small note on the back that says:
Sprinkle sugar before putting in oven

So, I am seriously thinking of trying these out, just because I want to see if they are cookies, or come out as something else.  If anyone in the family ever had Sugar Jumbles, please comment and let me know something about this recipe.

1 comment:

  1. Also, 375 results in a slightly underdone cookie. These were tasty and gobbled up quickly, but I did make them with the 1/4 cup shortening and 1/4 butter as I've always done. I suggest doubling the recipe, as with my family of 5 they are always gone as soon as they are out of the oven.
