Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pie Crust

This is from the recipe drawer of Minnie.  As we move into the holiday season, many of us do more baking that in the other parts of the year.  I found this recipe that belonged to my grandmother and it makes 5 pie crusts at once.  You can make a pie or two and put the other crusts in the freezer and they will be ready for you the next time you need to make a pie.

  • 4 cup flour
  • 1 3/4 cup shorteen (shortening)
  • 1 table (tablespoon) sugar
  • 2 teas (teaspoons) salt
  • 1 tabspoon (tablespoon) vinegar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup water
*With fork mix flour shorteen salt & sugar in small bowl
*Beat water egg & vinegar
*Add to first mixture
*Blean (Blend) with fork until dry ingreadints (ingredients) is moistened
*Dough can be storyed (stored) in refrigerator up to 3 days are (or) in frozen until ready to use

As you can tell, my grandma wrote the way she talked.  It has been fun to look at and "interpret" this recipe.  Of course, this recipe assumes that you know how to separate and roll out the dough.  This is the recipe that my mom used as I grew up and once you have divided the dough into 5, use the ones that you want and then wrap each of the others in some plastic wrap and then store in a zip bag in the freezer.  It doesn't take long for it thaw out the next time you are ready to make a pie.